Tuesday, June 30, 2009

church talks and milestones

Hello Cyberspace,

I figured it was time for another blog, I’d like to try to post at least once every couple of weeks, ideally once a week, that way I can keep everyone well updated on my ministry. I can’t guarantee that a biweekly post will happen, but that’s my goal. It’ll be harder during the summer when I don’t have any schools to go to, but I can at least keep everyone updated on my fundraising progress.

I actually hit what I think is a neat little milestone the other day, I have a Facebook group for people that want to support me, at least in prayer and we hit the member count that if everyone in the group pledged $10 a month, by bills would al be paid. You may think it’s silly, and I know that not everyone in the group can or will pledge, but it was an encouragement for me, to know that at least that many people are thinking about my ministry and praying for me.

I have a date set for my first church talk! I’m very excited for that! One of the best ways for me to get the word out about what I’m doing is to talk in churches, in front of at least a large group of people, preferably the entire congregation. I had dinner with my pastor last night and we set up July 26th, for me to speak at my church. I would love to speak at other churches, but I need people in those churches to spearhead that happening. Several years ago, I tried to do some fundraising so I could work more full-time at the church I was attending, I contacted churches that I had relationships with, and I saw very little interest. I met with two churches in Vermont, and had maybe a total of 7 people between both churches. So, one huge way of helping me is to get me in front of your church.

I already know that I won’t get a blog out next week, because I’m heading up to Vermont, and will be out of touch with most technology. My family has a cottage there, and next week is my parents’ week, so I’ll be headed up with a friend of mine for the week, from this Saturday until next Saturday. It’ll be nice, I really love the cottage, it’s a nice little place with an awesome porch to relax on, and I’ll get to spend some time with a great friend and my family.

Time to get going, I need to get packing, I’m moving soon!

Have a great day!

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