Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Church talk and a new bed

Hello There Cyberspace,

I know I said I’d try, but I managed to not get in an entry last week. Oh well.

Let me give you an update on where I stand now…I am all moved in at Brad’s, actually I’ve been all moved in for a few days, but by moved in, I mean all my stuff is in the garage and I’m living out of my suitcases in Brad’s guest room. Even though it’s Brad’s guest room, it’s way nicer than my room was in my apartment, some of the biggest differences are…a way bigger bed that’s in way better shape, this room has a door (my room in my apartment was separated from the living room by a set of stairs) and I don’t have to go up and down a set of stairs to get to the bathroom. It was only 3 steps up and 3 steps down, and not a big deal now, but when I was on crutches for months, it was a huge pain.

Less than three weeks till I move back t New Hampshire! I’m pretty excited! I will miss my friends and my church down here, but I’m happy to be able to see folks from New England that I haven’t seen in a while, and very excited to see how God will use me as I minister with Coastlands.

I spoke in church on Sunday and I thought it went very well. I started off with playing a little Bible Ball, some “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” and a Funky Food object lesson. I will hopefully be able to get the recording online soon, I’m still working on the best way to do that.

Not much else is going on, I’m sorting through my stuff to see what else I can get rid of, I’ve already taken 4 boxes of stuff over to the local thrift shop and I imagine more will go over there soon.

I ended up needing to get rid of my bed, it was in pretty terrible shape and it wasn’t worth bringing it with me, so if anyone knows of someone who has a bed available to donate, I would take it off your hands! I’ve been on a twin bed for years, and my bedroom will be kind of small, so a twin bed would probably be best for me. It would be awesome if the bed were in easy driving distance of Manchester, NH also.

Well, I’m going to get going, it’s starting to thunder here and I don’t like to keep my computer on during a thunderstorm.

Have a great day!

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