Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm gonna be a missionary!

Hi All,

I know, I know, I know, it's been a while since I have posted something on here, but since I don't think anyone really reads this blog anyway, it's not really a big deal, right?

Anyway, let me tell all of you in cyberspace what's going on with me...I'm going to become a missionary! I'm not going overseas; I'll be a missionary to New England. Starting in the Fall, I’ll be going out full-time with Coastlands Consultants, going all over New England, and to a couple of schools in New York helping to lead Spiritual Emphasis weeks. Once I get my website up and running, I’ll be able to give some more information, and hopefully post pictures.

Hopefully, some of you know me well enough to know that I was working for a builder just outside of Philly, well, I was laid off from that, and then they filed for Chapter 11. I can't say I was terribly surprised, I mean I was working for a builder, but it still kinda stunk. After I was laid off, I decided to take a couple weeks and volunteer for Coastlands (their website is www.coastlands.us) and while I was doing that, I felt God telling me to do that full-time. Now, I keep alternating between being excited and being scared. Excited, because I've never felt God so clearly speaking to me, but scared, because I now need to raise my own support. I know, if God has called me to it, He will provide, and I know that in my heart, but my heart is still trying to get that message through to my brain.

Oh well.

Now that I’m going to be doing this, I’ll want to keep up better about how things are doing, and how the ministry is going. Maybe I’ll be able to get some old articles I wrote about Coastlands and post them up here, look for them.

All right, now it’s time to go sort out stuff to get rid of it. Part of my adventure this summer is sorting through all my stuff and getting rid of most of it, I just need to sort it between the trash, selling it on Craigslist, giving it to a friend, or donating it to a thrift store.

Have a great day!

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