Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Well, I’ve been pretty terrible in actually posting to this blog, but I figured I’d throw something here today.

First of all, I want to say how much I appreciate my family and I love how creative and funny my little brother is. I went onto his Facebook page and under his educational information he marked that he’ll be graduating ninja school in 2012 with a major in bowstaff skills and a minor in economics. Nobody else might find that funny, but it cracked me up.

Secondly, today is Election Day, I hope a lot of people will get out and vote, and vote republican! McCain wasn’t my first choice for the republican candidate, I wanted Huckabee, but I certainly believe he’s a way better choice than Obama. Some reasons I’d rather have McCain…

1. He’d tax me less than Obama
2. He has a more realistic view of the current war.
3. He supports The Federal Defense of Marriage Act
4. He’d tax me less than Obama
5. He opposes Medicaid funded abortion
6. He’d fight to protect the integrity of federally defined abstinence-until- marriage education.
7. He’d tax me less than Obama

Have a great day.

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