Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday morning

So, here goes blog number 2, I’m not sure if people can stumble onto these blogs, but that’s ok. Even if I’m writing this for myself, I think it’s worth the effort, well, at least I currently do, let’s see if that continues.

Had Bible study with friends last night, though we didn’t really study the Bible. There are only 6 people in the group and 2 of them weren’t there, one was at a conference and the other didn’t go because he was tired and in a bad mood, I think over a sandwich. J But getting together was good; I almost always enjoy hanging out with my friends. We ended up just having dinner, sharing some prayer requests then chatting. I also did my laundry over at their house. I don’t have laundry facilities at my apartment so I either go to a Laundromat or rely on the generosity of my friends; I usually am able to go to a friend’s house.

I made it to the pool 4 times so far this week, and I hope to g again this afternoon. I’m actually really starting to enjoy going, again, we’ll see if that also continues. I missed Wednesday because I slept in a bit, I was going to go after work, but forgot my goggles at home. Yes, I can swim without my goggles, but since I can’t open my eyes under water, it’s hard to do the front crawl and breast stroke without them. I think it’s a good thing that I had to convince myself it was ok to miss a day.

I need to make sure I’m serious about losing weight, as you can see form my profile pic, I’m really overweight and I need to lose it. I have lost some weight, which is good, though it can be somewhat awkward when I’m swimming and I push off of the wall and my bathing suit slips a bit and I show a little more crack than I want to. But I just put that in the “good problems to have” column.

Well, I’m off, have a great day, that is if anyone besides me reads this…

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